Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Hello How are You?...WAIT, WHAT, HUH?!

Some things are so deeply ingrained in English culture that it can take years to realise they clash with Swedish culture.

For instance: saying 'Hello, how are you?'. This is something that as an English person I don't even give a second thought to. It's as natural as breathing.

Not so here in Sweden.

The 'hello' bit is no problem. It's the 'how are you?' bit. In the U.K you aren't expected answer this question with the truth. Nobody wants to here how you're actually feeling, they're just saying hello! All that is required are three words: 'fine thanks, you?'

But in Sweden they really think you want to know how they're feeling!

So for years I've mistakenly been making my colleagues feel harassed by asking them how they are straight away the moment I see them. No sitting down first. No preliminary chit chat over coffee or the weather. Just TELL-ME-HOW-YOU'RE-FEELING-THIS-VERY- SECOND!!!

Understandably they always look a bit flabbergasted, as if I've walked in with a rubber chicken tied to my forehead. Multiple questions race through their mind: How do I feel right now? Do they really want to know how I am? Am I supposed to ask them how they are? AGGGGHHH!  

Because in Sweden they just say 'Hello'. That's it. Nothing more. And if they actually want to know how you are, then they ask you.

I've learnt lots of Swedish, but despite that knowledge I've been inappropriately greeting everybody for ages!

Ah well, you live and learn!

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